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Home Office Essentials – Everything You Need to Work from Home

Home Office Essentials

Working from home is all the rage. Thanks to the rapid advances in so many technologies over recent years, it is now more feasible than ever before to make a living from your home office. That may mean working independently as a freelancer, or it may mean working remotely as an employee. Whatever the case, you’ll need to have all of the right equipment and supplies on hand to get your job done. To help you get started, here are all of the home office essentials you’ll needs.

We’ve included links throughout the post to the corresponding product categories here at For My Desk—you’re one stop shop for affordable office products. Or if you’d like, you can browse our main Home Office Supplies collection here.

All the Basics

Home Office SetupSome things don’t change much when you move from a traditional office to a home office setup. You’ll still need all the basics that office workers have been relying on for decades. Some of those classics include:

It can be a bit of an adjustment when you first start looking for all of the home office essentials. When you work for an employer in an office, all of the basic supplies you need for your work are just there, ready to be used. You don’t think about where they come from, and it’s easy to take their presence for granted.

When working at home, however, you are in charge of these supplies. When you notice something is missing that you would like to have available, make a note and place an order or For My Desk. As you gain experience, it will become easier and easier to stock your home office properly.

Perfectly Customized

Sit Stand Desk ConverterOne of the best things about working from home is the ability to customize your workspace to perfectly fit your needs and preferences. That often is not an option when you share a large office with many co-workers. When setting up a home office, however, you can simply think about what you do on a day to day basis, and then customize your workspace around those tasks. It may take some time to develop your perfect setup, but you’ll love the convenience and comfort it provides once you get it just right.

For instance, would you like to have the option to do your work while standing for part of the day, while sitting at other times? Consider adding a sit-stand converter to your desk at home and have all the flexibility you desire. Or, you can pick out various pieces of décor and lighting to set the mood just right and maximize your productivity.

Staying on Track

Monthly PlannerAnother one of the challenges of the at-home work lifestyle is staying on task and on track for the timely completion of projects. With no boss looking over your shoulder, it’s easy for some to get distracted and waste time.

Using calendars and planners effectively is a great way to avoid falling into the procrastination trap. You may find that using a combination of tools from this category winds up as your best bet, such as a wall calendar for the big picture and a daily planner notebook for the details. By putting a system of organization into place for yourself, it will be far easier to remain accountable and get your work done from home day after day.

The Value of Organization

Paperwork can pile up in your home office just like in a larger office with hundreds of employees. To stay ahead of the game, you need to have a system in place to deal with the paperwork that you may be generating each day. Files and folders are a great start when it comes to the home office essentials, but don’t underestimate the value of labels and a detailed labeling system. The challenge of being productive at home will get that much greater if you aren’t organized, so don’t allow yourself to fall behind in this area!

Of course, if you are going to be generating paperwork as part of your standard workflow, it’s almost certain you’ll need a healthy stock of printer paper waiting near your desk. This is one of those things you simply can’t afford to run out of during the middle of a busy workday. Everything can grind to a halt when you run out of paper, so stock up right away and always refresh your supply as it starts to dwindle.

Get All The Essentials & More At For My Desk

There’s a lot to love about working from home, but it all starts with having the right home office supplies. Fortunately, For My Desk makes it easy to pick up everything you need in a single stop. We carry a huge inventory of products across a wide variety of categories, we have the best brands in the market, and our prices are always competitive. Once you have assembled your home office shopping list, it will be easy to check off items one by one as you browse our site.

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